
形態人類学とは、人類学のなかでもヒトの身体を自然科学の側面から探求することを目的とするBiological Anthropology (生物人類学)の一分野に位置づけられています。700万年におよぶ人類進化の過程について、進化解剖学や比較解剖学の観点から理解を深め、その変異や多 様性から、現代に生きるホモサピエンスの進化、移動、拡散、環境適応などのプロセスを明らかにしようとする学問分野です。形態人類学の研究室では、様々な人類集団における、形態の環境適応や機能的適応の変遷を探る研究が対象となります。
- 骨格形態の相互相関と要因
- 骨形態のシンメトリー
- 骨形態の三次元データ解析
- 解剖体を用いた形態研究
- Matsumura H, Xie G, Nguyen LC, Hanihara T, Li Z, Nguyen KTK, Ho XT, Nguyen TN, Huang SC, Hung HC. Female craniometrics support the 'two-layer model' of human dispersal in Eastern Eurasia. Sci Rep. 2021 Oct 21;11(1):20830.
- Oxenham M, Trinh Hoang Hiep, Matsumura H, Domett K, Huffer D, Crozier R, Lan Cuong Nguyen, McFadden C. Identity and community structure in Neolithic Man Bac, northern Vietnam. Archaeological Research in Asia 26: doi.org/10.1016/j.ara.2021.100282
- Melandri Vlok, Hallie R Buckley, Justyna J Miszkiewicz, Meg M Walker, Kate Domett, Anna Willis, Hiep H Trinh, Tran T Minh, Mai Huong T Nguyen, Lan Cuong Nguyen, Hirofumi Matsumura, Tianyi Wang, Huu T Nghia, Marc F Oxenham. Forager and farmer evolutionary adaptations to malaria evidenced by 7000 years of thalassemia in Southeast Asia. Scientific Reports11(1) 5677 - 5677 2021
- Alpaslan-Roodenberg S, Anthony D, Babiker H, Bánffy E, Booth T, Capone P, Deshpande-Mukherjee A, Eisenmann S, Fehren-Schmitz L, Frachetti M, Fujita R, Frieman CJ, Fu Q, Gibbon V, Haak W, Hajdinjak M, Hofmann KP, Holguin B, Inomata T, Kanzawa-Kiriyama H, Keegan W, Kelso J, Krause J, Kumaresan G, Kusimba C, Kusimba S, Lalueza-Fox C, Llamas B, MacEachern S, Mallick S, Matsumura H, Morales-Arce AY, Matuzeviciute GM, Mushrif-Tripathy V, Nakatsuka N, Nores R, Ogola C, Okumura M, Patterson N, Pinhasi R, Prasad SPR, Prendergast ME, Punzo JL, Reich D, Sawafuji R, Sawchuk E, Schiffels S, Sedig J, Shnaider S, Sirak K, Skoglund P, Slon V, Snow M, Soressi M, Spriggs M, Stockhammer PW, Szécsényi-Nagy A, Thangaraj K, Tiesler V, Tobler R, Wang CC, Warinner C, Yasawardene S, Zahir M. Ethics of DNA research on human remains: five globally applicable guidelines. NATURE 599(7883) 41-46 2021
- Melandri Vlok, Marc F. Oxenham, Kate Domett, Hirofumi Matsumura, Hoang T. Hiep, Tran T. Minh, Nguyen T. Mai Huong, Nghia T. Huu, Hallie R. Buckley. The impact of scurvy mortality during the transition of agriculture in northern Vietnam. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 174 109 - 109 2021
- Chuan-Chao Wang, Hui-Yuan Yeh, Alexander N. Popov, Hu-Qin Zhang, Hirofumi Matsumura, Kendra Sirak, Olivia Cheronet, Alexey Kovalev, Nadin Rohland, Alexander M. Kim, Swapan Mallick, Rebecca Bernardos, Dashtseveg Tumen, Jing Zhao, Yi-Chang Liu, Jiun-Yu Liu, Matthew Mah, Ke Wang, Zhao Zhang, Nicole Adamski, Nasreen Broomandkhoshbacht, Kimberly Callan, Francesca Candilio, Kellie Sara Duffett Carlson, Brendan J. Culleton, Laurie Eccles, Suzanne Freilich, Denise Keating, Ann Marie Lawson, Kirsten Mandl, Megan Michel, Jonas Oppenheimer, Kadir Toykan Ozdogan, Kristin Stewardson, Shaoqing Wen, Shi Yan, Fatma Zalzala, Richard Chuang, Ching-Jung Huang, Hana Looh, Chung-Ching Shiung, Yuri G. Nikitin, Andrei V. Tabarev, Alexey A. Tishkin, Song Lin, Zhou-Yong Sun, Xiao-Ming Wu, Tie-Lin Yang, Xi Hu, Liang Chen, Hua Du, Jamsranjav Bayarsaikhan, Enkhbayar Mijiddorj, Diimaajav Erdenebaatar, Tumur-Ochir Iderkhangai, Erdene Myagmar, Hideaki Kanzawa-Kiriyama, Masato Nishino, Ken-ichi Shinoda, Olga A. Shubina, Jianxin Guo, Wangwei Cai, Qiongying Deng, Longli Kang, Dawei Li, Dongna Li, Rong Lin, Nini, Rukesh Shrestha, Ling-Xiang Wang, Lanhai Wei, Guangmao Xie, Hongbing Yao, Manfei Zhang, Guanglin He, Xiaomin Yang, Rong Hu, Martine Robbeets, Stephan Schiffels, Douglas J. Kennett, Li Jin, Hui Li, Johannes Krause, Ron Pinhasi, David Reich. Genomic insights into the formation of human populations in East Asia. NATURE 591(7850) 413 - + 2021
- Melandri Vlok, Marc Oxenham, Kate Domett, Tran Thi Minh, Thi Mai Huong Nguyen, Hirofumi Matsumura, Hiep Hoang Trinh, Thomas Higham, Charles Higham, Nghia Truong Huu, Hallie Ruth Buckleya. Two Probable Cases of Infection with Treponema pallidum during the Neolithic Period in Northern Vietnam (ca. 2000–1500 B.C.). Bioarchaeology International 4(1) 15 - 36 2020
- Takumi Kobayashi, Daisuke Suzuki, Yu Kondo, Ryo Tokita, Masaki Katayose, Hirofumi Matsumura, Mineko Fujimiya. Morphological characteristics of the lateral ankle ligament complex. Surgical And Radiologic Anatomy : SRA 2020
- Melandri Vlok, Marc F. Oxenham, Kate Domett, Erdene Myagmar, Hirofumi Matsumura, Nguyen T. Mai Huong, Tran T. Minh, Daniel Temple, Nghia T. Huu, Hiep H. Trinh, Hikari Ishijima, Hallie R. Buckley. Modelling the disease impacts of migration and trade in prehistoric East and Southeast Asia. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 171 298 - 298 2020年3月
- KANZAWA-KIRIYAMA Hideaki, JINAM Timothy A, KAWAI Yosuke, SATO Takehiro, HOSOMICHI Kazuyoshi, TAJIMA Atsushi, ADACHI Noboru, MATSUMURA Hirofumi, KRYUKOV Kirill, SAITOU Naruya, SHINODA Ken-ichi. Late Jomon male and female genome sequences from the Funadomari site in Hokkaido, Japan. Anthropological Science 127(2) 83 - 108 2019
- Matsumura H, Hung H, Higham C, Zhang C, Yamagata M, Nguyen LC, Li Z, Fan X, Simanjuntak T, Oktaviana AA, He J, Chen C, Pan C, He G, Sun G, Huang W, Li X, Wei X, Domett K, Halcrow S, Nguyen KD, Trinh HH, Bui CH, Nguyen KTK, Reinecke A. Craniometrics Reveal “Two Layers” of Prehistoric Human Dispersal in Eastern Eurasia. Scientific Reports 9 9(1) 7984 - 7984 2019
- Hirofumi Matsumura, Hsiao-Chun Hung, Charles Higham, Chi Zhang, Mariko Yamagata, Lan Cuong Nguyen, Zhen Li, Xue-Chun Fan, Truman Simanjuntak, Adhi Agus Oktaviana, Jia-Ning He, Chung-Yu Chen, Chien-Kuo Pan, Gang He, Guo-Ping Sun, Wei-Jin Huang, Xin-Wei Li, Xing-Tao Wei, Kate Domett, Siân Halcrow, Kim Dung Nguyen, Hoang Hiep Trinh, Chi Hoang Bui, Khanh Trung Kien Nguyen, Andreas Reinecke. Craniometrics Reveal "Two Layers" of Prehistoric Human Dispersal in Eastern Eurasia. Scientific Reports 9(1) 1451 - 1451 2019
- Rachel M Scott, Hallie R Buckley, Kate Domett, Monica Tromp, Hiep Hoang Trinh, Anna Willis, Hirofumi Matsumura, Marc F Oxenham. Domestication and large animal interactions: Skeletal trauma in northern Vietnam during the hunter-gatherer Da But period. PloS One 14(9) e0218777 2019
- Mark Lipson, Olivia Cheronet, Swapan Mallick, Nadin Rohland, Marc Oxenham, Michael Pietrusewsky, Thomas Oliver Pryce, Anna Willis, Hirofumi Matsumura, Hallie Buckley, Kate Domett, Giang Hai Nguyen, Hoang Hiep Trinh, Aung Aung Kyaw, Tin Tin Win, Baptiste Pradier, Nasreen Broomandkhoshbacht, Francesca Candilio, Piya Changmai, Daniel Fernandes, Matthew Ferry, Beatriz Gamarra, Eadaoin Harney, Jatupol Kampuansai, Wibhu Kutanan, Megan Michel, Mario Novak, Jonas Oppenheimer, Kendra Sirak, Kristin Stewardson, Zhao Zhang, Pavel Flegontov, Ron Pinhasi, David Reich. Ancient genomes document multiple waves of migration in Southeast Asian prehistory. Science 361(6397) 92 - 95 2018
- Hirofumi Matsumura, Ken-Ichi Shinoda, Truman Shimanjuntak, Adhi Agus Oktaviana, Sofwan Noerwidi, Harry Octavianus Sofian, Dyah Prastiningtyas, Lan Cuong Nguyen, Tsuneo Kakuda, Hideaki Kanzawa-Kiriyama, Noboru Adachi, Hsiao-Chun Hung, Xuechun Fan, Xiujie Wu, Anna Willis, Marc F Oxenham. Cranio-morphometric and aDNA corroboration of the Austronesian dispersal model in ancient Island Southeast Asia: Support from Gua Harimau, Indonesia. PloS One 13(6) e0198689 2018年
- Oxenham M, Hiep HT, Willis A, Jones R, Buckley H, Domett K, Castillo C, Wood R, Bellwood P, Tromp M, Kells A, Piper P, Pham ST, Matsumura H, Buckley H. Between foraging and farming: strategic responses to the Holocene Thermal Maximum in Southeast Asia. Antiquity 92 940 - 957 2018
- Corny J, Galland M, Arzarello M, Bacon AM, Demeter F, Grimaud-Herv D, Highamg C, Matsumura H, Cuong NL, Thuy NK, Viet N, Oxenham M, Sayavongkhamdy T, Semah F, Shackelford LL, Detroit F, Dental phenotypic shape variation support multiple dispersals of anatomically modern humans in Southeast Asia. Journal of Human Evolution 112:41-56. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhevol.2017.08.017, 2017
- Oxenham M, Hiep HT, Willis A, Jones R, Buckley H, Domett K, Castillo C, Wood R, Bellwood P, Tromp M, Kells A, Piper P, Pham ST, Matsumura H. Between foraging and farming: strategic responses to the Holocene Thermal Maximum in Southeast Asia. Antiquity 92: 940-957, 2017.
- 吉戰淳一・根木亨・中村充雄・木島輝美・後藤葉子・大塚知子・植木瞳・古名丈人・池田望・齋藤重幸・古畑智久・松村博文・佐藤公美子・谷口圭吾・山本武志・長多好萬・牧野夏子・横山まどか 保健医療総論1における学習効果に関する検討~学生に向けた3カ年のアンケー卜調査から~ 札幌保健科学雑誌 6:47-5 2017
- Oxenham MF, Willis A, Cuong NL, Matsumura H. 2017 HUNTER-GATHERER MORTUARY VARIABILITY IN VIETNAM. 印刷中 20150918 mail
- Matsumurta H, Oxenham M, Simanjuntak T, Yamagata M. 2017 The Biological History of Southeast Asian Populations from Late Pleistocene and Holocene Cemetery Data. In: Bellwood P editor. First Islanders: Prehistory and Human Migration in Island Southeast Asia pp.98-106. New York Willey.
- Hung HC, Zhang C, Matsumura H, and Li Z. 2017 Neolithic transition in Guangxi: a long development of hunting-gathering society in Southern China. In: Matsumura H, Hung HC, Li Z, and Shinoda K. editors. Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs No. 47. Tokyo pp. 205-228. National Museum of Nature and Science.
- Miyama E, and Matsumura H. 2017 Comparative study of the Limb bones. In: Matsumura H, Hung HC, Li Z, and Shinoda K. editors. Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs No. 47. Tokyo. pp. 181-190. National Museum of Nature and Science.
- Kubota S. and Matsumura H. 2017 The origin of early Holocene hunter-gatherers at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, Southern China: odontmetric perspective. In: Matsumura H, Hung HC, Li Z, and Shinoda K. editors. Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs No. 47. Tokyo. pp. 171-180.National Museum of Nature and Science.
- Matsumura H, Cuong NL, Li Z, Hung HC, and Huang Y. 2017 The origin of early Holocene hunter-gatherers at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, Southern China: craniometric perspective. In: Matsumura H, Hung HC, Li Z, and Shinoda K. editors. Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs No. 47. Tokyo. pp. 155-170. National Museum of Nature and Science.
- Miyama E, Watanabe S, and Matsumura H. 2017 Morphometric records of the Liyupo human limb bones. In: Matsumura H, Hung HC, Li Z, and Shinoda K. editors. Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs No. 47. Tokyo. pp. 149-154. National Museum of Nature and Science.
- Kubota S.and Matsumura H. 2017 Morphometric records of the Liyupo human teeth. In: Matsumura H, Hung HC, Li Z, and Shinoda K. editors. Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs No. 47. Tokyo pp. 145-148. National Museum of Nature and Science.
- Matsumura H, and Cuong NL. 2017 Morphometric records of the Liyupo human skulls. In: Matsumura H, Hung HC, Li Z, and Shinoda K. editors. Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs No. 47. Tokyo pp. 143-144. National Museum of Nature and Science.
- Matsumura H., Watanabe S, and Miyama E. 2017 Individual descriptions of human skeletal remains at Liyupo. In: Matsumura H, Hung HC, Li Z, and Shinoda K. editors. Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs No. 47. Tokyo pp. 105-128. National Museum of Nature and Science.
- Li Z, Hung HC, Li Z, Hunag Q, Matsumura H. 2017 Liyupo Site in Longan, Guangxi, China. In: Matsumura H, Hung HC, Li Z, and Shinoda K. editors. Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs No. 47. Tokyo pp. 95-104. National Museum of Nature and Science.
- Watanabe S, Miyama E, and Matsumura H. 2017 Morphometric records of the Huiyaotian human limb bones. In: Matsumura H, Hung HC, Li Z, and Shinoda K. editors. Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs No. 47. Tokyo pp. 149-154. National Museum of Nature and Science.
- Kubota S. and Matsumura H. 2017 Morphometric records of the Huiyaotian human teeth. In: Matsumura H, Hung HC, Li Z, and Shinoda K. editors. Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs No. 47. Tokyo pp. 145-148. National Museum of Nature and Science.
- Matsumura H, and Cuong NL. 2017 Morphometric records of the Huiyaotian human skulls. In: Matsumura H, Hung HC, Li Z, and Shinoda K. editors. Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs No. 47. Tokyo pp. 143-144. National Museum of Nature and Science.
- MatsumuraH, Watanabe S, Yamagata M. 2017 Burial practice and individual descriptions of the human skeletal remains at Huiyaotian. In: Matsumura H, Hung HC, Li Z, and Shinoda K. editors. Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs No. 47. Tokyo pp. 7-16. National Museum of Nature and Science.
- Li Z, Hung HC, Li Z, Hunag Y, Matsumura H. 2017 Huiyaotian Site in Nanning, Guangxi, China. In: Matsumura H, Hung HC, Li Z, and Shinoda K. editors. Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs No. 47. Tokyo pp. 7-16. National Museum of Nature and Science.
- Matsumura H, Hung HC, Li Z, Yamagata M, Lin Q, Zhang C. 2017 Introduction. In: Matsumura H, Hung HC, Li Z, and Shinoda K. editors. Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs No. 47. Tokyo pp. 1-6. National Museum of Nature and Science.
- Matsumura, H. Hung HC, Li Z and Shinoda K editors. 2017 Bio-Anthropological Studies of Early Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Sites at Huiyaotian and Liyupo in Guangxi, China. National Museum of Nature and Science Monographs No. 47. Tokyo pp. 229 National Museum of Nature and Science.
- Matsumura Hirofumi AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL Discovery Projects (2019-2023) Prosperity along the Sea: The South China Coast at 5000-3000 BC (研究代表者:Hsiao-chun Hung)
- Out of Africa:ホモ・サピエンスのアジア拡散モデルの再構築. 文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(A) 研究期間: 2017年 - 2022年(代表者: 松村博文)
- 中国先史狩猟民埋葬遺跡の発掘調査 -ユーラシア東部の人類史解明に向けて-.文部科学省: 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B) 研究期間: 2013年 - 2017年(代表者: 松村博文)