> Research
> Toshihiko Torigoe[STRESS BIOLOGY]
Toshihiko Torigoe, M.D., Ph.D.
National Defense Medical College, Japan, M.D., 1984
Sapporo Medical University, Sapporo, Japan, Ph.D., 1994
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (Dr. John C. Reed Laboratory), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1990-1992
La Jolla Cancer Research Foundation (Dr. John C. Reed Laboratory), La Jolla, 1992-1993
Japanese Cancer Association, Councilor
Japan Society of Pathology, Councilor
Japanese Associatoin of Cancer Immunology, Councilor
Biomedical Society for Stress Response
Japanese Society for Immunology
The Japan Society for Clinical Immunology
Japanese Society for Biological Sciences in Space
Hokkaido Aerospace Science and Technology Incubation Center, Councilor
American Association for Cancer Research
Cellular stress responses are defense and adaptation mechanisms against environmental stress and infective stress, and conserved among all organisms, including prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Human also has such a stress response physiologically and its dysfunction is involved in a variety of diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, immune disorders, metabolic and/or atherosclerotic diseases, mental disorders and aging. Elucidation of molecular mechanism of stress responses and their regulation would contribute to a next-generation therapeutic and preventive medicine. My current research topics include;
1. Molecular mechanism of stress responses,
2. Stress response and cancer,
3. Stress response and neurodegenerative diseases,
4. Stress response and immunity,
5. Stress response and anti-aging.
It is my dream to contribute to the development of healthy world in which everyone can enjoy a vivid life.