I 著書
001 |
Sohma H, Sasada H, Inoue K, Morita F. Phosphorylation of heavy chain of scallop
smooth muscle myosin by RLC-a myosin kinase. Calcium Signal and Cell Response
(Yagi K, Miyazaki T. editors), Japan Sci Soc Press, Tokyo/Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 1988, 344-346. |
002 |
Morita F, Sohma H, Takahashi M, Gohshi K, Inoue, K. Phosphorylation of a molluscan smooth
muscle myosin light chain and the catch contraction sustaining in the absence
of Ca2+. Calcium Signal and Cell Response (Yagi K, Miyazaki T. editors),
Japan Sci Soc Press, Tokyo/Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988, 107-117. |
003 |
秋野豊明, 相馬仁. 脂質代謝. 川上義和, 谷口直之, 木田厚瑞編. 呼吸器疾患の分子生物学. 東京, 医学書院, 1998, 102-110. |
004 |
相馬仁. アルコール依存関連マウス. キーワード精神第三版, 先端医学社, 2003, 146-147. |
005 |
相馬仁. アルコール依存症と細胞内Caイオン伝達系. キーワード精神第三版, 先端医学社, 2002, 148-149. |
006 |
Sohma H, Sawada I, Konno M, Akashi H, Sato TJ, Maruyama T, Tohse N, Imai K. Encouraging appreciation of community health care by consistent medical undergraduate education. Advanced Initiatives in Interpreofessional Education in Japan (Watanabe H, Koizumi M. eds), Springer 2010; 1-12 |
II 総説
001 |
黒木由夫, 佐野仁美, 相馬仁, 秋野豊明. 肺胞表面をおおうサーファクタント-特異蛋白質の構造、機能、病態- 蛋白質・核酸・酵素, 1998, 43: 10-22. |
002 |
相馬仁. アネキシンリピート. 生体の科学, 2001, 52: 516-518. |
003 |
斎藤利和, 相馬仁. 山本恵, アルコール依存症のメカニズム. 精神科 2003,2, 213-218 |
004 |
中島そのみ、相馬仁. コラム OT学生が小・中学校へ行く! 小・中学校における健康教育と作業療法の関わり. 作業療法ジャーナル 2009; 43: 1219 |
005 |
相馬仁. 生物学的マーカー(バイオマーカー)、最新医学別冊(新しい診断と治療のABC83)アルコール依存症、編集:齋藤利和、最新医学社75-84
III 原著
001 |
Tanio Y, Sohma H, Tokushima Y, Yamamura Y, Azuma, I. Regulation of line 10
hepatocarcinoma with synthetic quinonyl muramyl dipeptide in strain-2 guinia
pigs. Gann 1983; 74: 192-195. |
002 |
Tanio Y, Sohma H, Tokushima Y, Nishimura K, Saiki I, Azuma I. Comparison of antimetastatic effect against Lewis Lung carcinoma after intratumoraland intravenous injection of cell-wall skeleton of propionibacterium acnes C7 in C57BL/6 mice. Gann 1984; 75: 237-244. |
003 |
Sohma H, Yazawa M, Morita F. Phosphorylation of regulatory light chain a (RLC-a)
in smooth muscle of scallop, patinopecten yessoensis. J Biochem 1985; 98:
569-572. |
004 |
Sohma H, Morita F. Purification of a protein kinase phosphorylating myosin regulatory
light chain a (RLC-a) from smooth muscle of scallop, patinopecten yessoensis.
J Biochem 1986; 100: 1155-1163. |
005 |
Sohma H, Morita F. Characterization of regulatory light chain -a myosin kinase
from smooth muscle of scallop, patinopecten yessoensis. J Biochem 1987;
101: 497-502. |
006 |
Sohma H, Inoue K, Morita F. A cAMP-dependent regulatory protein for RLC-a myosin
kinase catalyzing the phosphorylation of scallop smooth muscle myosin light
chain. J Biochem 1988; 103: 431-435. |
007 |
Takahashi M, Sohma H, Morita F. The steady state intermediate of scallop smooth
muscle myosin ATPase and effect of light chain phosphorylation. A
molecularmechanism for catch contraction. J Biochem 1988; 104: 102-107. |
008 |
Sohma H, Sasada H, Inoue K, Morita F. Regulatory light chain -a myosin kinase(aMK)
catalyzes phophorylation of smooth muscle myosin heavy chain of scallop,
patinopecten yessoensis. J Biochem 1988; 104: 889-893. |
009 |
Inoue K, Sohma H, Morita, F. Ca2+-dependent protein phosphatase which
dephophorylates regulatory light chain-a in scallop smooth muscle myosin. J Biochem
1990; 107: 872-878. |
010 |
Suzuki M, Sohma H, Yazawa M, Yagi K, Ebashi S. Histon H1 Kinase Specific to SPKK Motif. J Biochem 1990; 108: 356-364. |
011 |
※Sohma H, Hashimoto H, Ohguro H, Akino T. Two bg-subunits, bg-I and bg-II,
complex with the same b-subunits in bovine brain G-proteins (Gi/o). Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1992; 184: 175-182 |
012 |
※Sohma H, Watanabe T, Kuroki Y, Yoshino H, Matsushima N, Yazawa M, Akino T.
Calcium dependent conformational changes of surfactant protein-A (SP-A) and its
collagenase resistant fragment with or without dithiothreitol. Biochim Biophys Acta 1992; 1159: 150-154. |
013 |
※Sohma H. Actin binding to cross-linked 10
S smooth muscle myosin and 9 S heavy meromyosin. Biochem Int 1992; 27: 699-707. |
014 |
大黒浩, 今野伸介, 五十嵐保男, 中川喬, 北村公一, 相馬仁, 秋野豊明. ヒト水晶体のカルボキシルメチル化酵素の精製. あたらしい眼科 1992; 9: 1753-1755. |
015 |
※Sohma H, Hashimoto H, Hiraike N, Ohguro H, Akino T. Identification of a novel g-subunit from bovine brain GTP binding regulatory proteins (Gi/o).
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1993; 190: 849-856. |
016 |
Kuo C-H, Tairs E, Takaha N, Sohma H, Akino T, Fukada Y, Sanada K, Miki N. Purification and characterization of three MEKA-like proteins in liver association of a 94 kDa protein with bg subunits of G-proteins. Biochem
Biophys Res Commun 1993; 191: 1097-1104. |
017 |
※Sohma H, Hashimoto H, Hiraike N, Ohguro H, Akino T. Different functional forms
of G protein bg-subunits, bg-I and bg-II, in bovine brain. Biochim
Biophys Acta 1993; 1178: 111-116. |
018 |
※Sohma H, Hattori A, Kuroki Y, Akino T. Calcium and dithiothreitol dependent
conformational changes in b-sheet
structure of collagenase resistant fragment of human surfactant protein A.
Biochem Mol Biol Int 1993, 30: 329-336. |
019 |
※橋本英樹, 相馬仁. 脳GTP結合蛋白質の異種γ-サブユニットに関する研究. 札幌医学雑誌 1993; 62: 259-270. |
020 |
大黒浩, 深田吉孝, 相馬仁, 秋野豊明, 中川喬. 光感受性にリン酸化される視細胞外節に存在するリン酸化蛋白質. 日本眼科学会雑誌 1993; 97: 11-16. |
021 |
※Hiraike N, Sohma H, Kuroki Y, Akino T. Epitope mapping for monoclonal antibody against human
surfactant protein A (SP-A) that alters receptor binding of SP-A and the
SP-A-dependent regulation of phospholipid secretion by alveolar type II
cells. Biochim Biophys Acta 1995; 1257: 214-222. |
022 |
※Sohma H, Matsushima N, Watanabe T, Hattori A, Kuroki Y, Akino T. Ca2+-dependent binding of annexin IV to surfactant protein A and lamellar
bodies in alveolar type II cells. Biochem J 1995; 312: 175-181. |
023 |
Ohguro H, Kitamura K, Konari K,Sohma H, Fukada Y, Akino T. The differences in the expressions of visual pigments
and transducin in photoreceptor cell differentiation. Tohoku J Exp Med
1996, 178: 233-240. |
024 |
Hattori A, Kuroki Y, Sohma H, Ogasawara Y, Akino T. Human surfactant protein A with two distinct oligomeric structures which exhibit different capacities with alveolar type II cells. Biochem J 1996; 317: 939-944. |
025 |
Honma T, Kuroki Y, Tsunezawa W, Ogasawara Y, Sohma H, Voelker DR, Akino T. The mannose-binding protein A region of Glu185-Ala221
can functionally replace the surfactant protein A region Glu195-Phe228
without loss of interaction with lipids and alveolar type II cells. Biochemistry
1997; 36: 7176-7184. |
026 |
Hattori A, Kuroki Y, Takahashi H, Sohma H, Akino T. IgG is associated with surfactant protein A aggregate isolated
from alveolar proteinosis patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997; 155:
1785-1788. |
027 |
Kuroki Y, Honma T, Chiba H, Sano H, Saitoh M, Ogasawara Y, Sohma H, Akino T. A novel type of binding specificity to phospholipids for rat mannose binding proteins isolated from serum and liver. FEBS Lett 1997; 414: 387-392. |
028 |
Sano H, Kuroki Y, Honma T, Ogasawara Y, Sohma H, Voelker DR, Akino T. Analysis of chimeric proteins identified the regions
in the carbohydrate recgnition domain of rat lung collectins that are essential
for interactions with phospholipids, glycolipids and alveolar type II cells.
J Biol Chem 1998; 273: 4783-4789. |
029 |
Tsunezawa W, Sano H, Sohma H, McCormack FX, Voelker DR, Akino T. Site-directed mutagenesis of surfactant
protein A reveals dissociation of lipid aggregation and lipid uptake by
alveolar type II cells. Biochim Biophys Acta 1998; 1387: 433-446. |
030 |
Tanaka T, Miwa N, Kawamura S,Sohma H, Nitta K, Matsushima N. Molecular modeling of single polypeptide chain of calcium-binding protein p26olf from dimeric S100B(b b). Protein Eng 1999; 12: 395-405. |
031 |
※Sohma H, Hashimoto E,
Shirasaka T, Tsunematsu R, Ozawa H, Boissl K W, Böning J, Riederer P, Saito T. Quantitative Reduction of Type I Adenylyl Cyclase in
Human Alcoholics. Biochim Biophys Acta 1999; 1454: 11-18. |
032 |
Chiba H, Sano H, Saitoh M, Sohma H, Voelker DR, Akino T, Kuroki Y. Introduction of mannose binding protein-type
phosphatidylinositol recognition into pulmonary surfactant protein A. Biochemistry
1999; 38: 7321-7331. |
033 |
※Sohma H, Creutz CE, Saitoh M, Sano H, Kuroki Y, Voelker DR, Akino T. Characterization
of the Ca2+-dependent binding of annexin IV
to surfactant protein A. Biochem J 1999; 341: 203-209. |
034 |
Kuwaki K, Komatsu K, Sohma H, Abe T. Lazaroid U74389G ameliorates ischemia-reperfusion injury in the rat lung transplat model. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1999; 5: 11-17. |
035 |
Kuwaki K, Komatsu K, Sohma H, Abe T. The effect of various doses of lazaroid U74389G on lung ischemia
reperfusion injury. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1999; 47: 67-72. |
036 |
Sano H, Sohma H, Muta T, Nomura S, Voelker DR, Kuroki Y. Pulmonary surfactant protein
A modulates the cellular response to smooth and rough lipopolysaccharides
by interaction with CD14. J Immunol 1999; 163: 387-395. |
037 |
Saitoh M, Sano H, Chiba H, Sohma H, Voelker DR, Akino T, Kuroki Y. Importance of the carboxy terminal 25 amino acid residues of lung collectins in interactions with lipids and alveolar type II cells. Biochemistry 2000; 39: 1059-1066. |
038 |
Ichida S, Abe J, Yu-an Z, Sugihara K, Imoto K, Wada T, Sohma H. Calcium/calmodulin inhibits the binding of specific [125I]omega-conotoxin GVIA to chick
brain membranes. Neurochem Res 2000; 25: 335-340. |
039 |
Sano H, Chiba H, Iwaki D, Sohma H, Voelker DR, Kuroki Y. Surfactant protein A and D bind CD14 by different
mechanisms. J Biol Chem 2000; 275: 22442-22451. |
040 |
Kuwaki K, Komatsu K, Sohma H, Abe T. Improvement of ischemia-reperfusion injury by Lazaroid U74389G in the rat lung transplant model. Scand Cardiovasc J 2000; 34: 209-212. |
041 |
Maeda T, Ohguro H, Sohma H, Kuroki Y, Wada H, Okisaka S, Murakami A. Purification and characterization
of bovine cone arrestin (cArr). FEBS Lett 2000; 31:
336-40. |
042 |
Hashimoto H, Sohma H, Nagao M, Ishii S, Akino T. Elevation of carboxyl methylation activity
on GTP-binding protein g-subunit
in synovial tissues from rheumatoid arthritis: how does elevation of the
methylation relate to the signal transduction system of rheumatoid arthritis? J
Orthop Sci 2000; 5: 470-474. |
043 |
Ichida S, Abe J, Yu-an Z, Sugihara K, Imoto K, Wada T, Fujita N, Sohma H. Characteristics of the inhibitory effect of calmodulin on specific 125I-omega-conotoxin GVIA binding to crude
membranes from chick brain. Neurochem Res 2000; 25: 1629-1635. |
044 |
※Sohma H,
Creutz CE, Gasa S, Ohkawa H, Akino T, Kuroki Y. Differential lipid
specificities of the repeated domains of annexin IV. Biochem Biophy Acta 2001; 1546:
205-215. |
045 |
※Sohma H,
Ohkawa H, Hashimoto E, Toki S, Ozawa H, Kuroki Y, Saito T. Alteration of
annexin IV expression in alcoholics. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2001; 25: 55S-58S. |
046 |
※Sohma H,
Ohkawa H, Akino T, Kuroki Y. Binding of annexins to lung lamellar bodies and
the PMA-stimulated secretion of annexin V from alveolar type II cells. J
Biochem 2001; 130: 449-455. |
047 |
成田年,瀧本淳,相馬仁,矢島義織,水尾圭祐,黒木由夫,鈴木勉.Morphine誘発自発運動促進作用に対する逆耐性時のμ-opioid受容体機能変化.日本神経精神薬理学雑誌 2001; 21:
55-61. |
048 |
※Sohma H, Ohkawa H, Hashimoto E, Sakai R, Saito T. Ethanol-induced
augmentation of annexin IV expression in rat C6 glioma and human A549
adenocarcinoma cells.
Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2002; 26: 44S-48S. |
049 |
※Ohkawa H, Sohma H, Sakai R, Kuroki Y, Hashimoto E, Murakami S, Saito T. Ethanol-Induced Augmentation of Annexin IV in Cultured Cells and the Enhancement of Cytotoxicity by Overexpression of Annexin IV by Ethanol. Biochem
Biophy Acta 2002; 1588: 217-225. |
050 |
Ichida S, Abe J, Yu-an Z, Minami T, Wada T, Yazawa M, Sohma H. Structural specificity for the inhibitory effect of calmodulin on specific
GVIA binding. Neurochem Res 2003; 28: 1813-1818. |
051 |
Ichida S, Abe J, Yu-an Z, Minami T, Wada T, Yazawa M, Sohma H. Structural specificity for the inhibitory effect of calmodulin on specific
GVIA binding. Neurochem Res 2003; 28: 1813-1818. |
052 |
※大川浩子, 相馬仁, 村上新治,土屋文明, 黒木由夫, 齋藤利和. 痴呆の分子マーカー. –血中に出現するカルシウム結合蛋白質アネキシンを指標にして-. 老年精神医学会雑誌 2003; 14:
227-235. |
053 |
Tomsig JL, Sohma H, Creutz CE. Calcium-dependent regulation of tumor necrosis factor-a receptor signalling by copine. Biochem J 2004; 378: 1089-1094. |
054 |
※Sakai R, Ukai W, Sohma H, Hashimoto E, Yamamoto M, Ikeda H, Saito T. Attenuation of brain derived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF) by ethanol and cytoprotective effect of exogenous
BDNF against ethanol damage in neuronal cells. J Neural Transm 2005; 112:
1005-1013. |
055 |
Almeida PFF, Sohma H, Rasch KA, Wieser CM, Hinderliter A. Allosterism in membrane binding: a common motif of the annexins? Biochemistry 2005; 44: 10905-10913. |
056 |
※相馬仁、宮本篤、加納英雄、今井浩三、神保孝一. 札幌医科大学医学部における学生からの科目別講義企画評価. 日本医学教育学会雑誌 2005; 36: 167-171. |
057 |
山蔭道明、相馬仁、宮本篤、平田公一、山本和利、神保孝一、佐藤昇志、今井浩三. 本学医学部PBLテュートリアル教育に対する学生の評価とその解析. 札幌医学雑誌 2006; 75: 7-12. |
058 |
※相馬仁、澤田幸展、佐藤昇志. 札幌医科大学医学部推薦入学の現状と今後の取り組みについて. 大学入試研究ジャーナル 2006; 16: 101-106. |
059 |
木村成寿,相馬仁,苗代康可,小海康夫.リポソームをリガンドとして用いた血漿蛋白質のプロテオミクス解析.生物物理化学 2006; 50: 231-236. |
060 |
苗代康可,鈴木知佐子,木村成寿,山本元久,高橋裕樹,相馬仁,堀 司,篠村恭久,小海康夫,今井浩三.血漿のプロテオミクス解析.Jpn J Clin Immunol 2007; 30: 145-150. |
061 |
Hori T, Naishiro Y,Sohma H,Suzuki N, Hatakeyama N, Yamamoto M, Sonoda T, Mizue Y, Imai K, Tsutsumi H, Kokai1 Y. CCL8 is a potential molecular candidate for the diagnosis of graft-versus-host disease. Blood 2008; 111: 4403-4412. |
062 |
Ota A, Yamamoto M, Hori T, Miyai S, Naishiro Y, Sohma H, Maeda M, Kokai Y. Upregulation of plasma CCL8 in mouse model of
graft-vs-host disease. Exp Hematol 2009; 37: 525-531 |
063 |
佐々木浩一、小笹泰宏、木村成寿、相馬仁、青島理人、小海康夫. Multiple reaction monitoringをバリデーションに用いた質量分析による血漿バイオマーカー探索システムの検討.
生物物理化学 2009; 53: 1-7 |
064 |
今野美紀、澤田いずみ、高橋由美子、仲田みぎわ、道信良子、中島そのみ、青木光広、明石浩史、佐藤利夫、三瀬敬治、寺田豊、高橋延昭、相馬仁、當瀬規嗣、丸山知子、今井浩三. 地域医療マインドをもつ医療人の育成 札幌医科大学医学部・保健医療学部合同カリキュラム「地域医療合同セミナー」の評価.
日本ルーラルナーシング学会誌 2009; 4: 51-57 |
065 |
Ishii T, Hashimoto E, Ukai W, Tateno M, Yoshinaga T, Saito S, Sohma H, Saito T. Lithium-induced suppression of transcription repressor NRSF/REST:
effects on the dysfunction of neuronal differentiation by ethanol.
Eur J Pharmacol 2008; 593: 36-43 |
066 |
※Yamaguchi M, Kokai Y, Imai S, Utsumi K, Matsumoto K, Honda H, Mizue Y,
Momma M, Maeda T, Toyomasu S, Ito YM, Kobayashi S, Hashimoto E, Saito T,
Sohma H, Investigation of annexin A5 as a biomarker for Alzheimer's disease using
neuronal cell culture and animal model. J Neurosci Res 2010; 88: 2682-2692.
067 |
Kobayashi S, Tateno M, Park TW, Utsumi K,Sohma H, Ito YM, Kokai Y, Saito T. Apolipoprotein E4 fequencies in a Japanese
population with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. PLoS
ONE 2011; 6: e18569 |
068 |
Hida T, Sohma H, Kokai Y, Kawakami A, Hirosaki K, Okura M, Tosa N, Yamashita T, Jimbow
K. Rab7 is a critical mediator in vesicular transport of tyrosinase-related
protein 1 in melanocytes. J. Dermatol. 2011; 38: 432–441 |
069 |
Yamamoto M, Ota A, Hori T, Imai S, Sohma H, Suzuki N, Hatakeyama N, Inazawa N, Ito YM, Kimura H, Tsutsumi H, Kokai
Y. Early expression of plasma CCL8 closely correlates with survival rate
of acute graft-versus-host disease in mice. Exp. Hematol. 2011; 39: 1101-1112 |
070 |
Oki G, Wada T, Iba K, Aiki H, Sasaki K, Imai S,Sohma H, Matsumoto K, Yamaguchi M, Fujimiya M, Yamashita T, Kokai Y. Metallothionein deficiency in the injured peripheral nerves of complex regional pain syndrome as revealed by proteomics. Pain 2011 ; 153: 532-539. |
071 |
Takahata S, Takebayashi T, Terasima Y, Tanimoto K, Wada T, Sohma H, Kokai Y, Yamashita T. Activation of glial cells in the spinal cord of
a model of lumbar radiculopathy. J Orthop Sci 2011; 16: 313-320. |
072 |
Saito A, Ariki S, Sohma H, Nishitani C, Inoue K, Ebata N, Takahashi M, Hasegawa Y, Kuronuma K, Takahashi
H, Kuroki Y. Pulmonary surfactant protein A protects lung epithelium from
cytotoxicity of human β-defensin 3. J Biol Chem 2012; 287: 15034-15043. |
073 |
Weber GF, Warren J, Sohma H, Chen T, Halim A, Chakravarty G. Biomarkers—a pot of gold or a can of
worms? Cancer Biology & Therapy 2012;13: 831-835. |
074 |
Hashimoto E, Riederer P, Hesselbrock VM, Hesselbrock MN, Mann K, Park TW,
Ukai W, Sohma H, Schuckit MA, Saito T. Consensus paper of the WFSBP 2011 Task Force on
Biological Markers: Biological Markers for Alcoholics. The World Journal
of Biological Psychiatry 2013; in press. |
075 |
Sohma H, Imai S, Takei N, Honda H, Matsumoto K, Utsumi K, Matsuki K, Hashimoto
E, Saito T, Kokai Y. Evaluation of annexin A5 as a biomarker for Alzheimer's
disease and Dementia with Lewy bodies. Front. Aging Neurosci. 2013; in
press. |
076 |
Consensus paper of the WFSBP task force on biological markers: biological
markers for alcoholism. Hashimoto E, Riederer PF, Hasselbrock VM, Hasselbrock
MN, Mann K, Ukai W, Sohma H, Thibaut F, Schuckit MA, Saito T. World J Biol Psychiatry 14(8):549-564
077 |
Effects of atelocollagen on neural stem cell function and its migrating capacity into brain in psychiatric disease model. Yoshinaga T, Hashimoto E, Ukai W, Ishii T, Shirasaka T, Kigawa Y, Tateno M, Kaneta H, Watanabe K, Igarashi T, Kobayashi S, Sohma H, Kato T, Saito T. J Neural Transmi 120(10):1491-1498 (2013)
078 |
大学入学早期からの多職種連携(IPE)の評価-地域基盤型医療実習の効果について-. 山本武、苗代康可、白鳥正典、相馬仁.京都大学高等教育研究19:37-45 (2013)
079 |
Significant increase of plasma tetranectin in ovx mice as defined by proteomics analysis. Sasaki K, Ozasa Y, Iba K, Wada T, Imai S, Matsumoto K, Sohma H, Aoshima M, Yamashita T, Kokai Y. J Orthop Sci 19(5): 809-819 (2014).
080 |
Evaluation of annexin A5 as a biomarker for Alzheimer's disease and dementia
with lewy bodies. Sohma H, Imai S, Takei N, HondaH, Matsumoto K, Utsumi K, Hashimoto E, Saito T,
Kokai Y. Front Aging Neurosci, 5;5:15 (2013)
081 |
介護老人保健施設における医療・福祉専門職間の情報提供と被提供の意識の相違.山本道代、奥宮暁子、山本武志、相馬仁.保健医療福祉連携 7:2-10(2014)
Ⅳ 国際学会のProceedings
001 |
Pandy SC, Saito T, Yoshimura M, Sohma H, Gotz ME. cAMP signaling cascade: a promising role in ethanol tolerance
and dependence. The 10th Congress of the International Society for Biomedical
Research on Alcoholism: 2000, July, 横浜: Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 2001; 25:
46S-48S. |
002 |
Sohma H, Matsumoto K, Honda H, Mizue Y, Momma M, Yamaguchi M, Amano Y, Kikuchi
K, Murakami S, Maeda T, Toyomasu S, Saito T, Kokai Y.Elevation of plasma
level of annexin A5 in Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer's Disease: New Advances
(Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and
Related Disorders. 2006; pp145-151. |
V 国際学会発表
001 |
Morita F, Sohma H, Takahashi M,
Gohshi K, Inoue K. Phosphorylation of a molluscan smooth muscle myosin light
chain and the catch contraction sustaining in the absence of Ca2+. In: The Meeting on Calcium Signal and Cell Biological and Clinical Aspects:
1987 Nov: Sapporo. Japan. |
002 |
H, Sasada H, Inoue K, Morita F. Phosphorylation of a molluscan smooth
muscle myosin light chain and the catch contraction sustaining in the absence
of Ca2+. In: The Meeting on Calcium Signal and Cell Biological and Clinical Aspects:
1987 Nov: Sapporo. Japan. |
003 |
Inoue K, Sohma
H, Morita F. Purification and characterization of Ca2+-dependent
protein phosphorylation from scallop smooth muscle. In: The Biology and
Medicine of Signal Transduction.-The 7th International Conference on
Cyclic Nucleotides, Ca2+, and Protein Phosphrylation: 1989 July: Kobe, Japan. |
004 |
DL, Osugi T, Sohma H, Klee WA. Approaches to the problem of understanding receptor-G protein
interactions. In: Third International Simposium of Neurotransmitter Receptors.
Neuroreceptor Mechanisms in Brain: 1990 Aug: Kobe. Japan. |
005 |
H, Hashimoto H, Akino T. Heterogeneity of g-subnit and functional differences of GTP binding
regulatory proteins (Gi/o). In: 15th International Congress of Biochemistry: 1991 Aug: Jerusalem. Israel. |
006 |
H, Watanabe T, Murata Y, Hattori A, Kuroki Y, Hiraike N, Akino T. Calcium
binding properties of human pulmonary surfactant protein A. In: International Conference, American Thoracic Society: 1993 May: San
Francisco. U.S.A. |
007 |
Kuroki Y,
Murata Y, Hiraike H, Sohma H, Akino T. Regulation of phospholipid secretion and binding to alveolar
type II cells by carboxyl terminal domain of pulmonary surfactant protein
A. In: International Conference, American Thoracic Society: 1993, May:
San Francisco. U.S.A. |
008 |
Sohma H, Hashimoto H, Akino T. Heterogeneity of bovine brain G protein g-subunit and their carboxyl methylation reaction. In: American Physiological
Society Conference on Signal Transduction and Gene Regulation: 1993, Dec:
San Francisco. U.S.A. |
009 |
Hattori A, Kuroki Y, Sohma H, Takahashi H, Katoh T, Akino, T. Oligomeric structure and IgG binding
property of surfactant protein A purified from patients with alveolar proteinosis.
In: International Conference, American Thoracic Society: 1995: Seatle.
U.S.A. |
010 |
Sohma H, Hattori A, Kuroki Y, Akino
T. Annexin IV binds to SP-A and enhances aggregation of rat lung lamellar
bodies in a Ca2+-dependent manner. In: 2nd International Marburg Symposium Surfactant and Alveolar Biology: 1995:
Vienna. Austria. |
011 |
Sohma H, Sugawara K,
Kuroki Y, Akino T. Ca2+-dependent binding of annexin IV to pulmonary
surfactant apoprotein A (SP-A). In: 12th Federation of Asia Oceania Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: 1996 July:
Tokushima. Japan. |
012 |
Sohma H, Sugawara K,
Kuroki Y, Akino T. Regulation of the binding of annexin IV to pulmonary
surfactant protein (SP-A). In: 17th International Conference of the American Society for Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology: 1997, May: San Francisco. U.S.A. |
013 |
Kuroki Y, Honma T, Tsunezawa W, Ogasawara Y,
Sohma H, Voelker DR, Akino T. The mannose-binding proteins A region of
Glu185-Ala221 can functionally replace the surfactant
protein A region of Glu195-Phe228 without loss of interaction with alveolar type II cells. In: International
Conference, American Thoracic Society: 1997, May: San Francisco. U.S.A. |
014 |
Saito T, Hashimoto E, Ozawa H, Sohma H,
Riederer P. Alterations of the G-protein-adenylylcyclase system in the
postmortem human brain in alcoholics and heroin addicts, In: 6th Congress European Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism: 1997
June: Stockholm. Sweden. |
015 |
Saito T, Sohma H, Hashimoto E, Ozawa
H, Ikeda H, Ashizawa T. Quantitaive alterations of the messages of adenylyl
cyclase subtypes in the postmortem human brain of alcoholics. In: Society for
Neuroscience, 27th Annual Meeting: 1997 November: New Orleans. U.S.A. |
016 |
Sohma H, Creutz CE, Kuroki Y, Akino
T. The third domain of annexin IV is important for the Ca2+-dependent binding to pulmonary surfactant protein A (SP-A). In: International
Conference, American Thoracic Society: 1998 May: Chicago. U.S.A. |
017 |
Sohma H, Kuroki Y, Sano H, Saitoh M,
Chiba H, Voelker DR, Creutz, CE., Akino T. The role of Arg197 of rat
surfactant protein A in Ca2+ and annexin IV binding. In: International Conference, American Thoracic
Society: 1998 May: Chicago. U.S.A. |
018 |
Sano H, Kuroki Y, Chiba H, Saitoh M, Voelker
DR, Sohma H, Akino T. Interaction of surfactant protein A with smooth and rough lipopolysaccharides
and U937 cells. In: Experimental Biology Meeting. 1998: San Francisco.
U.S.A. |
019 |
Kuroki Y, Chiba H, Sano H, Saitoh M, Sohma
H, Voelker DR, Akino T. Structure-function analysis of surfactant protein A
by epitope mapping for monoclonal antibodies using a phage display peptide
library and chimeric protein with mannose-binding protein. In: 5th International Marburg Symposium Surfactant and Alveolar Biology: 1998
Sep: Marburg. Germany. |
020 |
Kuroki Y, Sano H, Saitoh M, Chiba H, Sohma
H, Voelker DR, Akino T. Structure-function analysis of surfactant
collectins by chimeric proteins. In: 5th International Marburg Symposium Surfactant and Alveolar Biology: 1998
Sep: Marburg. Germany. |
021 |
Sano H, Sohma H, Voelker DR, Akino T,
Kuroki Y. Pulmonary surfactant protein A modulates the response of U937 cells
to smooth and rough lipopolysaccharides by interaction with CD14. In: 5th International Marburg Symposium Surfactant and Alveolar Biology: 1998
Sep: Marburg. Germany. |
022 |
Saito T, Sohma H, Hashimoto E, Ozawa
H, Ikeda H, Ashizawa T. Alterations of the messages of type I and type VIII
adenylyl cyclases and Gs-protein-a-subunit in alcoholics. In: 22nd Annual RSA Science Meeting: 1999
Nov: Austin, U.S.A. |
023 |
Hashimoto E, Sohma H, Shirasaka T,
Ozawa H, Saito T. Reduction of the mRNA levels of two subtypes of adenylyl
cyclase and stimulatory G protein in alcoholics. In: Society for Neuroscience
Meeting 29th Annual Meeting: 1999 November: San Francisco. U.S.A. |
024 |
相馬仁, 橋本恵理, 小澤寛樹, 黒木由夫, 齋藤利和. アルコール依存症のシグナル伝達に関する遺伝子異常, シンポジウム, 1999, アルコール・薬物医学会, 札幌 |
025 |
橋本恵理, 相馬仁, 小澤寛樹, 齋藤利和. アルコール依存症者脳における情報伝達の変化, シンポジウム, 1999 August, アルコール・薬物医学会, 札幌. |
026 |
Sohma H, Creutz, CE, Ohkawa H, Saitoh
M. Kuroki Y, Chiba H, Akino T, Kuroki, Y. The type II Ca2+-binding
site(s) required for Ca2+-dependent phospholipid binding depending
on different phospholipid species. In: the 11th International Symposium on Calcium-Binding Proteins and Calcium Function
in Health and Disease: 1999, July: Kisarazu. Japan. |
027 |
Saito T, Sohma H, Ohkawa
H, Hashimoto E, Ozawa H, Kuroki Y, Shirasaka T. Alterations of cAMP- and Ca2+-related
systems in human alcoholics. In: The XXIInd C.I.N.P. Congress: 2000 May: Brussels. Belgium. |
028 |
Sohma H, Ohkawa H, Hashimoto E, Ozawa H, Shirasaka T, Kuroki Y, Saito T. Alterations in G-protein-adenylyl cyclase system and their mRNA levels in alcoholics. In: the 10th Congress of
the International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism. 2000 July: Yokohama. Japan. |
029 |
橋本恵理, 相馬仁, 小澤寛樹, 齋藤利和. アルコール依存症者死後脳研究, メインシンポジウム, In: アルコール・薬物医学会: 2000 July: 横浜. |
030 |
Saito T, Sohma H, Shirasaka T, Hashimoto E, Ozawa H. Adaptive mechanism of signal transduction
pathways in blood cells of addicts (alcohol and heroin). In: 13th Scientific Congress of the German Society for Addiction Research and Addiction
Therapy: 2000 April: Buertzburg. Germany. |
031 |
Hashimoto E, Sohma H, Shirasaka T, Toki S, Saito T. Reduction of the messages of stimulatory
G protein and adenylyl cyclases in abstinent alcoholics with an alcoholic
first degree relative. In: the 29th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience: 2000 November: New Orleans.
U.S.A. |
032 |
Hashimoto E, Sohma H, Ohkawa H, Ozawa H, Ikeda H, Saito S, Nakano N, Saito T. The effect of ethanol on the expression of calcium binding protein, annexin. In: Collegium International Neuropsychopharmacologium: 2001, October: Hiroshima. Japan. |
033 |
Hashimoto E, Sohma H, Ohkawa H, Ikeda H, Saito S, Nakano N, Ozawa H, Saito T. The effect of
ethanol on the expression of annexins. In: the 30th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience: 2001, November: San Diego.
U.S.A. |
034 |
Ohkawa H, Sakai R, Sohma H, Yamamoto M, Kuroki Y, Saito T. Ethanol- induced augmentation of annexin
IV expression in cultured cells (C6 and A549 cells) and enhancement of
cell damage by overexpression of annexin IV. In: the 11th Congress of the International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism:
2002 June: San Francisco. U.S.A. |
035 |
Sohma H, Ohkawa H, Sakai R, Hashimoto E, Saito T, Kuroki Y. Ethanol- induced increase
of annexin IV and activation of NFkB by
overexpression of annexin IV in C6 cells. In: 7th European Symposium on Calcium Binding proteins in Normal and Transformed
Cells: 2002 June: Brussels. Belgium. |
036 |
相馬仁, 大川浩子, 酒井理恵, 橋本恵理, 鵜飼渉, 齋藤利和. アルコールによる神経細胞アポトーシスの分子メカニズム. シンポジウム, In: アルコール・薬物医学会: 2002 September: 東京. |
037 |
小澤寛樹, 池田官司, 橋本恵理, 相馬仁, 齋藤利和. アルコール・薬物依存症の病態における細胞内情報伝達系の役割. シンポジウム, In: アルコール・薬物医学会: 2002 September: 東京. |
038 |
Sohma H, Ohkawa H, Sakai R, Hashimoto E, Saito T, Kuroki Y. TNFa-dependent increase of annexin IV expression and enhancement of NFkB activation by annexin IV. In: 2nd
Annexin Conference. Molecular and Cellular Physiology of the Annexins.
Symposium: 2003 March: Banff, Canada. |
039 |
Hinderliter A, Havelka J, Sohma H, Almedia P. Do annexins regulate membrane domain formation? In: 2nd
Annexin Conference. Molecular and Cellular Physiology of the Annexins.
Symposium: 2003 March: Banff, Canada. |
040 |
Sohma H, Miyamoto A, Kanoh H, Imai K,
Jimbow K. Evaluation
of serial lectures in
Sapporo Medical University. International Association of Medical Science Educators (国際医学教育研究者協会)
2004 July:
New Orleans, USA. |
041 |
Sohma H, Saito T. Ethanol-induced alteration of Ca2+-signaling is relevant to
transcriptional activity of NFkB. 第26回アルコール医学生物学研究会学術集会. Mini symposium, 2006 March:
Sapporo, Japan. |
042 |
Sohma H, Yamaguchi M,
Matsumoto K, Honda H,
Amano Y, Mizue Y,
Kikuchi K, Maeda T,
Toyomasu S, Momma M, Murakami S,
Kokai Y. Elevation of plasma level of annexin A5 in Alzheimer’s disease. 10th International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related
Disorders. 2006 July: Madrid, Spain. |
043 |
Sohma H, Yamaguchi M,
Matsumoto K, Honda H, Amano Y,
Mizue Y, Kikuchi K, Maeda T,
Toyomasu S, Momma M, Murakami S, Kokai Y. The novel molecular marker for Alzheimer disease. 20th IUBMB International
Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2006 June: Kyoto, Japan. |
044 |
Kokai Y, Sohma H, Murakami S. Exploration of plasma biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease in coupling with biochemical and cognitive-psychological approach. Neuro 2007, Symposium, 2007 September: Yokohama, Japan. |
045 |
Sohma H, Sawada I, Konno M, Akashi H, Sato TJ, Maruyama T, Tohse N, Imai K. Encouraging
appreciation of the community health care by consistent medical undergraduate
In: AMEE conference: 2009 Aug: Malaga, Spain |
046 |
Sohma H. Advanced Initiatives in Interprofessional Education in Japan:JIPWEN Overview
and Case Studies. 2nd Global Forum on Human Resources for Health. Prince
Mahidol Award Conference 2011, Jan. Bangkok, Thailand.
047 |
Sohma H, Ymamguchi M, Kimura M, Imai S, Matsumoto K, Hashimoto E, Saito T, Kokai Y. Investigation of novel biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease. 10th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, 2011, May-Jun. Prague, Czech Republic. |
048 |
Sohma H, Yamaguchi M, Kimura M, Imai S, Matsumoto K, Takei N, Kokai Y. Investigation of novel biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease using lipid-coated nanoparticles. In: 2nd World Congress on Biomarkers and Clinical Research: 2011 Sep: Baltimore, U.S.A. |
049 |
Sohma H, Imai S, Matsuki K, Takei N, Honda H, Utsumi K, Hashimoto E, Saito T,
Kokai Y. Investigation of annexin A5 as a biomarker for Alzheimer's disease
and Dementia with Lewy bodies. 3rd International Conference on Biomarkers
& Clinical Research 2012 July: Las Vegas, U.S.A. |
050 |
相馬仁. アルツハイマー病血漿分子マーカーの解析. 特別講演、第49 回日本生化学会北海道支部例会 2012 July: 札幌
051 |
Yamamoto T, Naishiro Y, Shiratori M, Takeda H, Sohma H. Effectiveness of early-stage Interprofessional Education(IPE) for university
students thorough practical training, AMEE2013. 2013 Aug; Prague.
052 |
Sohma H. Community health care training to establish greater Mutual understanding
between medical students and the community. “Transformative Learning for
Health Equity” 2014 Jan; Pattaya, Thailand.
Ⅵ 特許
001 |
【出願人】相馬仁、齋藤利和、村上新治、松本恭一. 【公開番号】特開2004-251794【発明の名称】痴呆症の検査方法. |
002 |
【出願人】相馬仁、苗代康可、小海康夫. 【出願番号】特願2006-193711【発明の名称】リポソームをリガンドとして用いた体液タンパク質の解析方法及びタンパク質の調製方法. |
003 |
【出願人】小海康夫、 相馬仁、江口優、大西徳幸. 【出願番号】特願2008-234579【発明の名称】親油性分子で表面修飾された温度応答性磁性微粒子および該微粒子と両親媒性分子を含むリポソーム様構造体を形成する組成物. |
【出願番号】特願2010-115606 【発明の名称】アルツハイマー型認知症の検査方法. |
005 |
【出願人】小海康夫、相馬仁、今井伸一、松本圭代、木村成寿. 【出願番号】特願2010-280331【発明の名称】アミロイドβ神経障害バイオマーカー. |
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