札幌医科大学附属病院 病理診断科・病理部

2020年2019年2018年2017年 | 2016年 | 2015年

1. Hirobe M, Masumori N, Tanaka T, Kitamura H, Tonooka A, Hasegawa T, Tsukamoto T. Clinicopathological characteristics of Xp11.2 translocation renal cell carcinoma in adolescents and adults: Diagnosis using immunostaining of transcription factor E3 and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis. Int J Urol 23: 140-145, 2016.
2. Hirano H, Maeda H, Takeuchi Y, Ose N, Fujita H, Sugita S, Hasegawa T. Primary pulmonary Ewing sarcoma. Pathol Int 66: 239-241, 2016.
3. Kubo T, Kawano Y, Himuro N, Sugita S, Sato Y, Ishikawa K, Takada K, Murase K, Miyanishi K, Sato T, Takimoto R, Kobune M, Nobuoka T, Hirata K, Takayama T, Mori M, Hasegawa T, Kato J. BAK is a predictive and prognostic biomarker for the therapeutic effect of docetaxel treatment in patients with advanced gastric cancer. J Am Chem Soc 138: 4996-4999, 2016.
4. Sugita S, Obata M, Takebayashi S, Kikuchi T, Hasegawa T. Angiomyxomatous tumor of the falx cerebri. Pathol Int 66: 50-51, 2016.
5. Suzuki H, Wanibuchi M, Komatsu K, Akiyama Y, Mikami T, Sugita S, Hasegawa T, Kaya M, Takada K, Mikuni N. Erdheim-Chester Disease Involving the Central Nervous System with the Unique Appearance of a Coated Vertebral Artery. NMC Case Report journal 3: 125-128, 2016.
6. Sugita S, Hirano H, Kikuchi N, Kubo T, Asanuma H, Aoyama T, Emori M, Hasegawa T. Diagnostic utility of FOSB immunohistochemistry in pseudomyogenic hemangioendothelioma and its histological mimics. Diagn Pathol 11: 75, 2016.
7. Tanaka K, Hasegawa T, Nojima T, Oda Y, Mizusawa J, Fukuda H, Iwamoto Y. Prospective evaluation of Ki-67 system in histological grading of soft tissue sarcomas in the Japan Clinical Oncology Group Study JCOG0304. World J Surg Oncol 14: 110, 2016.
8. Suzuki Y, Akiyama Y, Kimura Y, Sugita S, Hasegawa T, Mikuni N. Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma with Anaplastic Features in the Tectal Region in a Young Adult Patient: A Case Report. World Neurosurg 94: 580, 2016.
9. Kanaya K, Iba K, Yamashita T, Wada T, Hasegawa T. Intraneural Nodular Fasciitis in a Child: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. J Hand Surg Am 41: e299-302, 2016.
10. Shima H, Kutomi G, Satomi F, Maeda H, Hirohashi Y, Hasegawa T, Mori M, Torigoe T, Takemasa I. SOX2 and ALDH1 as Predictors of Operable Breast Cancer. Anticancer Res 36: 2945-2953, 2016.
11. Sugita S, Asanuma H, Hasegawa T. Diagnostic use of fluorescence in situ hybridization in expert review in a phase 2 study of trabectedin monotherapy in patients with advanced, translocation-related sarcoma. Diagn Pathol 11: 37, 2016.
12. Wakahashi S, Sudo T, Ichida K, Sugita S, Hasegawa T, Nagao S, Yamaguchi S, Sakuma T, Yamada H. Diagnosis of desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor by cytogenetic analysis: a case report. Clin Case Rep 4: 520-523, 2016.
13. Ishiwatari H, Hayashi T, Kawakami H, Isayama H, Hisai H, Itoi T, Ono M, Kawakubo K, Yamamoto N, Tanaka M, Itokawa F, Oshiro H, Sonoda T, Hasegawa T; Japan EZ Port Study Group. Randomized trial comparing a side-port needle and standard needle for EUS-guided histology of pancreatic lesions. Gastrointest Endosc 84: 670-678, 2016.
14. Yasuda K, Hirohashi Y, Kuroda T, Takaya A, Kubo T, Kanaseki T, Tsukahara T, Hasegawa T, Saito T, Sato N, Torigoe T. MAPK13 is preferentially expressed in gynecological cancer stem cells and has a role in the tumor-initiation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 472: 643-647, 2016.
15. Park JK, Sugita S, Soma T, Yamashiro K, Hasegawa T. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor coexisting with congenital melanocytic nevus in an elderly man. Pathol Int 66: 309-310, 2016.
16. Kurihara H, Maruyama R, Ishiguro K, Kanno S, Yamamoto I, Ishigami K, Mitsuhashi K, Igarashi H, Ito M, Tanuma T, Sukawa Y, Okita K, Hasegawa T, Imai K, Yamamoto H, Shinomura Y, Nosho K. The relationship between EZH2 expression and microRNA-31 in colorectal cancer and the role in evolution of the serrated pathway. Oncotarget 7: 12704-12717, 2016.
17. Akimoto T, Takasawa A, Murata M, Kojima Y, Takasawa K, Nojima M, Aoyama T, Hiratsuka Y, Ono Y, Tanaka S, Osanai M, Hasegawa T, Saito T, Sawada N. Analysis of the expression and localization of tight junction transmembrane proteins, claudin-1, -4, -7, occludin and JAM-A, in human cervical adenocarcinoma. Histol Histopathol 31: 921-9231, 2016.
18. Asano T, Hirohashi Y, Torigoe T, Mariya T, Horibe R, Kuroda T, Tabuchi Y, Saijo H, Yasuda K, Mizuuchi M, Takahashi A, Asanuma H, Hasegawa T, Saito T, Sato N. Brother of the regulator of the imprinted site (BORIS) variant subfamily 6 is involved in cervical cancer stemness and can be a target of immunotherapy. Oncotarget 7: 11223-112237, 2016.
19. Sakuma Y, Nishikiori H, Hirai S, Yamaguchi M, Yamada G, Watanabe A, Hasegawa T, Kojima T, Niki T, Takahashi H. Prolyl isomerase Pin1 promotes survival in EGFR-mutant lung adenocarcinoma cells with an epithelial-mesenchymal transition phenotype. Lab Invest 96: 391-398, 2016.
20. Kaneuchi Y, Hakozaki M, Yamada H, Tajino T, Watanabe K, Otani K, Hojo H, Hasegawa T, Konno S. Primary dumbbell-shaped epidural myxoid liposarcoma of the thoracic spine: A case report and review of the literature. Oncol Lett 11: 1421-1424, 2016.
21. Morita R, Hirohashi Y, Torigoe T, Ito-Inoda S, Takahashi A, Mariya T, Asanuma H, Tamura Y, Tsukahara T, Kanaseki T, Kubo T, Kutomi G, Mizuguchi T, Terui T, Ishitani K, Hashino S, Kondo T, Minagawa N, Takahashi N, Taketomi A, Todo S, Asaka M, Sato N. Olfactory Receptor Family 7 Subfamily C Member 1 Is a Novel Marker of Colon Cancer-Initiating Cells and Is a Potent Target of Immunotherapy. Clin Cancer Res 22: 3298-3309, 2016.
22. Matsuoka T, Kawai K, Ando S, Sugita S, Kandori S, Kojima T, Miyazaki J, Nishiyama H. DNA methyltransferase-3 like protein expression in various histological types of testicular germ cell tumor. Jpn J Clin Oncol 46: 475-81, 2016.
23. Kobayashi H, Kikuta K, Sekita T, Susa M, Nishimoto K, Sasaki A, Kameyama K, Sugita S, Hasegawa T, Nakamura M, Matsumoto M, Morioka H. Diagnosis of extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma in the thigh using EWSR1-NR4A3 gene fusion: a case report. J Med Case Rep 10: 321, 2016.
24. Takada Y, Someya M, Matsumoto Y, Satoh M, Nakata K, Hori M, Saito M, Hirokawa N, Tateoka K, Teramoto M, Saito T, Hasegawa T, Sakata KI. Influence of Ku86 and XRCC4 expression in uterine cervical cancer on the response to preoperative radiotherapy. Med Mol Morphol 49: 210-216, 2016.
25. 浅沼広子, 東恭悟, 近藤啓, 木戸朋美, 平野博嗣, 杉田真太朗, 藤田裕美, 長谷川匡. 乳腺・甲状腺穿刺吸引細胞診におけるLBCへの応用. 北海道臨床細胞学会会報 2016年. 25: 10-14.
26. 宇佐美信, 村瀬和幸, 高田弘一, 飯島一飛, 吉田正宏, 舘越鮎美, 橋本亜香利, 井山諭, 佐藤勉, 小船雅義, 瀧本理修, 加谷光規, 山下敏彦, 守田玲菜, 長谷川匡, 加藤淳二. FDG-PET/CTが診断に有用であった坐骨神経原発neurolymphomatosis. 臨床血液 2016年. 57: 52-55.
27. 山口晃良, 河中真紀, 中村久美子, 西原当裕, 福永渉, 吉田康彦, 松下一行, 山本泰子, 平野博嗣, 田野伸雄. 胃横行結腸瘻を形成した胃癌の1例. 兵庫医科大学医学会雑誌 2016年. 40: 51-56.
28. 磯田拓郎, 小山奈緒美, 山直也, 小野寺麻希, 小野寺耕一, 畠中正光, 桧山佳樹, 平野博嗣. 今月の症例 低悪性度粘液性嚢胞腺癌. 臨床放射線 2016年. 61: 1069-1072.
29. 平野博嗣, 長谷川匡. 【特集】消化管I-上部消化管, 消化管間質腫瘍. 病理と臨床 2016年. 34: 968-973.
30. 杉田真太朗, 長谷川匡. 骨腫瘍の頻度, 年齢, 発生部位.野島孝之, 小田義直編. 腫瘍病理鑑別診断アトラス骨腫瘍 東京:文光堂;2016年.pp5-9.
31. 杉田真太朗, 長谷川匡. 良性軟骨形成性腫瘍. 野島孝之, 小田義直編. 腫瘍病理鑑別診断アトラス骨腫瘍 東京:文光堂;2016年.pp14-22.
32. 杉田真太朗, 長谷川匡. 特殊型軟骨肉腫. 野島孝之, 小田義直編. 腫瘍病理鑑別診断アトラス骨腫瘍. 東京:文光堂;2016年. pp39-50.
33. 杉田真太朗, 長谷川匡. 新しい疾患単位 偽性筋原性血管内皮腫と軟部血管線維腫. 吉田朗彦, 元井亨編. 病理と臨床 東京:文光堂;2016年. pp619-624.
34. 村瀬和幸, 高田弘一, 神原悠輔, 宇佐美信, 吉田正宏, 舘越鮎美, 橋本亜香利, 在原洋平, 早坂尚貴, 三浦翔吾, 井山諭, 佐藤勉, 佐藤康史, 宮西浩嗣, 小船雅義, 江森誠人, 加谷光規, 山下敏彦, 杉田真太朗, 長谷川匡, 加藤淳二. 当院における成人発症Ewing肉腫5例の治療経験. 癌と化学療法 2016年. 43: 1015-1018.
35. 南優子, 飯島達生, 稲留征典, 大谷明夫, 澁谷誠, 杉田真太朗, 鈴木惠子, 野口雅之.HER2の免疫染色の解釈は正しくできているのか?―茨城県での評価結果―. 乳癌の臨床 2016年. 31: 297-305.
36. 佐藤圭悟, 平岡美紀, 橋本雅人, 山下建, 杉田真太朗, 長谷川匡, 村瀬 和幸, 大黒浩. 成人男性に発症した眼窩内原発のEwing肉腫の1例. 臨床眼科 2016年. 70: 1773-1778.
37. 玉手雅人, 長尾沙智子, 松浦基樹, 郷久晴朗, 杉田真太朗, 田中綾一, 岩崎雅宏, 齋藤豪. Diethylstilbestrol暴露歴のない膣原発明細胞腺癌の1例. 日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 2016年. 55: 350-354.
38. 竹田倫子, 玉手雅人, 杉田真太朗, 鈴木孝浩, 齋藤豪. 子宮頚部原発平滑筋肉腫の1例. 日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 2016年. 56: 92-95.
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