Trajectory analysis of new coronavirus COVID-19 cases and deaths by country


You can easily grasp the trend of new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infectious disease (COVID-19) situation and compare the situation between countries through this interactive graph. Tooltip displays details when hovering on a graph point. Click of the point can enphasize related graph. Panning can be done via the mouse or with a finger. Zooming is done via the mouse wheel or via a pinch gesture. Clicking legend label toggles indicated dataset.

Since 2020/11/30, data source changes from ECDC to Johns Hopkins University. You can display ECDC data by data button after checking [ECDC].

Label size Point size
Country name
From To
x:Max Min y:Max Min


* 2020/4/17: The collective inclusion of deaths in China. 2020/7/3: The removal of duplicate cases in UK. These cause the discontinuity of graphs.

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* Please download image after the graph drawing is completed.


Data Source: Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center, COVID-19 dashboard in ECDC, Coronavirus Source Data in Our World in Data, WHO situation reports, Estimates 2022 in UN World Population Prospects 2022
Division of Medical Genome Sciences, Department of Genomic and Preventive Medicine,
Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine.
Link: Transition of total medal counts by country in Summer Olympic Games

COVID-19 graph movies

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