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Cold loving bacteria of Antarctica and molecular basis of cold adaptation

Dr.S.Shivaji (Deputy Director)

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India

“úŽž@ 2001”N1ŒŽ26“úi‹àj@15:00`
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The icy continent of Antarctica supports the growth of a number of cold loving Gram positive and negative bacteria belonging to various genera. During the last fifteen years my laboratory has identified a number of psychrotrophic bacteria upto the species level using methods of conventional microbiology and molecular taxonomic methods. In addition these cold loving bacteria have also been used as model systems to understand the molecular basis of cold adaptation . The investigations revealed that microorganisms in order to adapt to low temperature adopt various strategies such as their ability to sense temperature, ability to undergo changes at the membrane level, ability to catalyse enzymatic reactions at low temperatures, possess cold active genes etc.

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