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What is the functional role of phosphatidylglycerol in the maintenance of the function of photosystem@II?

     Zoltan Gonbos ”ŽŽm         

Biological Research Center of Hungarian Academy of Sciences

“๚Žž@ 2000”N 6ŒŽ 1“๚i–ุjŒ฿Œใ2Žž`4Žž
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Phosphatidylglycerol (PG) is an important constituent of photosyntheticmembranes. This lipid class has been suggested to give functional andstructural background for photosynthetic processes. To avoid the difficultiesof in vitro system a mutant of Synechocystis PCC6803 was produced which is without functioning PG phosphate synthase a key enzyme for PG synthesis. The mutant cells can grow in the presence of externally added PG. Due to the deprivation of PG the photosynthetic activity of cells decreased. A closer look at the individual steps of photosynthetic electron transport revealed that the main affect is bound to PS II. The decreased level of PG also the affinity of quinone binding to the reaction center as was demonstrated by oxygen-evolution measurements. The fluorescence measurements showed that the energy flow between QA to QB slowed down and electrons were trapped at the level of QA.

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“d˜b@011-706-5545Ae-mail hoku@ees.hokudai.ac.jp
